Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Croff Family reaction to pregnancy

This is how the Croff grandparents reacted when they found out we were going to have a baby!

That was grandpa Croff reading our portion of their Christmas letter. We used this "Christmas letter" as a means to distract them and catch them completely off guard from what was really going on...... he he he he!!!!!


Megan said...

That was great!!! I love surprises like that!!

Angie said...

THOSE ARE FANTASTIC REACTIONS!!!!! You should have zoomed in to Deone's face so that we could see her crying. I like how involved Pete is when ken is reading the letter! GREAT REACTIONS!!!!

Lora Dawn said...

Terrific reaction!
Way fun.

Nickel said...

That was great! :) Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

I laugh everytime I see that, It couldn't be more perfect! And I love Angie's comment about Pete, I was thinking the same thing.

Smullin Family said...

That was AWESOME!
I love a good surprise.
I missed the "Pete comment/reaction". I may need to go back and watch it again.
Good job Brinton and Amber!